Linha do tempo de publicações relacionadas com Ecossistema Circular
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Autoria: Adriana Hofmann Trevisan ([email protected]) – Agradecimentos
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Criação do conceito de Ecossistema de Negócios (EN)
Moore, J.F. , 1993. Predators and prey: a new ecology of competition. Harv. Bus. Rev. 71, 75–86.
Propagação do conceito de Economia Circular (EC)
Ellen Macarthur Foundation, E., 2013. Towards the Circular Economy: economic and business rationale for an accelerated transition, Ellen Macarthur Foundation. doi: 10.1162/108819806775545321 .
Framework de inovação do modelo de negócio circular conectado ao nível de ecossistema
Antikainen, M., Valkokari, K., 2016. A Framework for Sustainable Circular Business Model Innovation. Technol. Innov. Manag. Rev. 6, 5–12. doi: 10.22215/timreview/ 10 0 0 .
Primeiro caso real de ecossistema de negócios publicado sob a ótica da economia circular
Hsieh, Y.C., Lin, K.Y., Lu, C., Rong, K., 2017. Governing a sustainable business ecosys tem in Taiwan’s circular economy: the story of spring pool glass. Sustainability 9. doi: 10.3390/su9061068 .
Framework para transformar sistemas industriais em ecossistemas circulares
Aminoff, A., Valkokari, K., Antikainen, M., Kettunen, O., 2017. Exploring disruptive business model innovation for the circular economy. Smart Innov. Syst. Technol. 68, 525–536. doi: 10.1007/978- 3- 319- 57078- 5 _ 50.
Framework para implementar a economia circular aplicado em um ecossistema de negócios
Stewart, R., Niero, M., Murdock, K., Olsen, S.I., 2018. Exploring the implementation of a circular economy strategy: the case of a closed-loop supply of aluminum beverage cans. Procedia CIRP 69, 810–815. doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2017.11.006 .
Pesquisa sobre IoT em ecossistema de negócios de ciclo fechado
Hakanen, E., Rajala, R., 2018. Material intelligence as a driver for value creation in IoT-enabled business ecosystems. J. Bus. Ind. Mark. 33, 857–867. doi: 10.1108/ JBIM- 11- 2015- 0217.
Perspectiva ecossistêmica para desenvolver um plano de ação de economia circular
Whicher, A., Harris, C., Beverley, K., Swiatek, P., 2018. Design for circular economy: developing an action plan for Scotland. J. Clean. Prod. 172, 3237–3248. doi: 10. 1016/j.jclepro.2017.11.009.
Orquestração de ecossistemas industriais em economia circular
Parida, V., Burström, T., Visnjic, I., Wincent, J., 2019. Orchestrating industrial ecosys- tem in circular economy: a two-stage transformation model for large manufac- turing companies. J. Bus. Res. 101, 715–725. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.01.006
Legitimidade como fator-chave na economia circular
Press, M., Robert, I., Maillefert, M., 2019. The role of linked legitimacy in sustainable business model development. Ind. Mark. Manag 0–1. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman. 2019.05.009.
Princípios de biomimética em um ecossistema circular
Tate, W.L., Bals, L., Bals, C., Foerstl, K., 2019. Seeing the forest and not the trees: learning from nature’s circular economy. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 149, 115–129. doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.05.023.
Estudo de um ecossistema de negócios circular emergente
Langen,, Sornn-Friese, H., Hallworth, J., 2020. The role of port development companies in transitioning the port business ecosystem; the case of port of Am- sterdam’s circular activities. Sustain 12, 4397. doi: 10.3390/su12114397.
Estudo em um ecossistema baseado em plataforma
Del Vecchio, P., Passiante, G., Barberio, G., Innella, C., 2020. Digital Innovation Ecosystems for Circular Economy: the Case of ICESP, the Italian Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform. Int. J. Innov. Technol. Manag. 18, 1–20. doi: 10.1142/ S0219877020500534.
Integração do usuário em um ecossistema de inovação de economia circular
Wurster, S., Heß, P., Nauruschat, M., Jütting, M., 2020. Sustainable circular mobility: user-integrated innovation and specifics of electric vehicle owners. Sustain 12. doi: 10.3390/SU12197900.
Princípios para inovação de ecossistema circular
Konietzko, J., Bocken, N., Hultink, E.J., 2020a. Circular ecosystem innovation: an initial set of principles. J. Clean. Prod. 253, 119942. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019. 119942
Ferramenta para inovação de ecossistema circular
Konietzko, J., Bocken, N., Hultink, E.J., 2020b. A tool to analyze, ideate and develop circular innovation ecosystems. Sustain 12, 14–17. doi: 10.3390/SU12010417
Framework que integra a visão de ecossistema na inovação do modelo de negócios
Madsen, H.L., 2020. Business model innovation and the global ecosystem for sus- tainable development. J. Clean. Prod. 247, 119102. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019. 119102
Stakeholders e captura de valor em Ecossistemas de negócio circular
Bertassini, A.C., Zanon, L.G., Azarias, J.G., Gerolamo, M.C., Ometto, A.R., 2021. Circular Business Ecosystem Innovation: a guide for mapping stakeholders, capturing values, and finding new opportunities. Sustain. Prod. Consum. 27, 436–448. doi: 10.1016/j.spc.2020.12.004.
Definição e tipologia de ecossistema de economia circular
Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Ritala, P., D. W. Thomas, L., 2021. Circular economy ecosystems: a typology, definitions, and implications. Res. Handb. Sustain. Agency 260–276.
Ações circulares e digitalização em ecossistema de negócios
Trevisan, A.H., Zacharias, I.S., Castro, C.G., Mascarenhas, J., 2021. Circular economy actions in business ecosystems driven by digital technologies. Procedia CIRP 100, 325–330.
Transformação de modelo de negócio em ecossistema circular
Asgari, A., Asgari, R., 2021. How circular economy transforms business models in a transition towards circular ecosystem: the barriers and incentives. Sustain. Prod. Consum. 28, 566–579.
Kanda, W., Geissdoerfer, M., Hjelm, O., 2021. From circular business models to circular business ecosystems. Bus. Strateg. Environ. 30, 2814–2829.
Definição e elementos de ecossistema circular
Trevisan, A.H., Castro, C.G., Gomes, L.A.V., Mascarenhas, J., 2022. Unlocking the circular ecosystem concept: Evolution, current research, and future directions. Sustain. Prod. Consum. 29, 286–298.
Classificação de ecossistemas circulares
Pietrulla, F., 2022. Circular ecosystems: A review. Clean. Circ. Bioeconomy 3, 100031. .
Barreiras e drivers de ecossistema circular
Barquete, S., Shimozono, A.H., Trevisan, A.H., Castro, C.G., Gomes, L.A. de V., Mascarenhas, J., 2022. Exploring the Dynamic of a Circular Ecosystem: A Case Study about Drivers and Barriers. Sustain. 14, 1–22.
Gestão de ecossistema circular
de Vasconcelos Gomes, L. A., de Faria, A. M., Braz, A. C., de Mello, A. M., Borini, F. M., & Ometto, A. R. (2023). Circular ecosystem management: Orchestrating ecosystem value proposition and configuration. International Journal of Production Economics, 256, 108725.
Gestão do portfólio de inovação de ecossistema circular
de Vasconcelos Gomes, L. A., Castillo-Ospina, D. A., Facin, A. L. F., dos Santos Ferreira, C., & Ometto, A. R. (2023). Circular ecosystem innovation portfolio management. Technovation, 124, 102745.
Componentes do ecossistema de inovação circular
Thakur, P., & Wilson, V. H. (2023). Circular innovation ecosystem: a multi-actor, multi-peripheral and multi-platform perspective. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-24.
Ecossistema circular no setor alimentício
Ferrari, A. G., Jugend, D., Armellini, F., Barbalho, S. C. M., & de Carvalho, M. M. (2023). Crossing actors’ boundaries towards circular ecosystems in the organic food sector: Facing the challenges in an emerging economy context. Journal of Cleaner Production, 407, 137093.
Orquestração em ecossistema circular
Trevisan, A. H., Castro, C. G., Gomes, L. A. V., & Mascarenhas, J. (2023). Circular ecosystem structure and orchestration: outlining actions to innovate, integrate, and invest. Proceedings of the Design Society.
Agradecemos o apoio da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) – processo nº 2019/23655-9 e 2021/03237-8. As opiniões, hipóteses, conclusões ou recomendações expressas nesta seção são de responsabilidade dos autores e não refletem necessariamente as perspectivas da FAPESP.
Referências em ordem alfabética
Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Ritala, P., D. W. Thomas, L., 2021. Circular economy ecosystems: a typology, definitions, and implications. Res. Handb. Sustain. Agency 260–276.
Adner, R., Feiler, D., 2019. Interdependence, perception, and investment choices: An experimental approach to decision making in innovation ecosystems. Organ. Sci. 30, 109–125.
Aminoff, A., Valkokari, K., Antikainen, M., Kettunen, O., 2017. Exploring disruptive business model innovation for the circular economy. Smart Innov. Syst. Technol. 68, 525–536.
Antikainen, M., Valkokari, K., 2016. A Framework for Sustainable Circular Business Model Innovation. Technol. Innov. Manag. Rev. 6, 5–12.
Asgari, A., Asgari, R., 2021. How circular economy transforms business models in a transition towards circular ecosystem: the barriers and incentives. Sustain. Prod. Consum. 28, 566–579.
Barquete, S., Shimozono, A.H., Trevisan, A.H., Castro, C.G., Gomes, L.A. de V., Mascarenhas, J., 2022. Exploring the Dynamic of a Circular Ecosystem: A Case Study about Drivers and Barriers. Sustain. 14, 1–22.
Barquete, S., Trevisan, A. H., Castro, C. G., & Mascarenhas, J. (2023). Motivations behind actors’ cooperation in circular ecosystems: a systematic literature review and a Brazilian case study. Proceedings of the Design Society.
Bertassini, A.C., Zanon, L.G., Azarias, J.G., Gerolamo, M.C., Ometto, A.R., 2021. Circular Business Ecosystem Innovation: A guide for mapping stakeholders, capturing values, and finding new opportunities. Sustain. Prod. Consum. 27, 436–448.
Chesbrough, H., 2010. Business model innovation: Opportunities and barriers. Long Range Plann. 43, 354–363.
Del Vecchio, P., Passiante, G., Barberio, G., Innella, C., 2020. Digital Innovation Ecosystems for Circular Economy: The Case of ICESP, the Italian Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform. Int. J. Innov. Technol. Manag. 18, 1–20.
Ellen Macarthur Foundation, E., 2013. Towards the Circular Economy: Economic and business rationale for an accelerated transition, Ellen Macarthur Foundation.
Ferrari, A.G., Jugend, D., Armellini, F., Barbalho, S.C.M., Carvalho, M.M. de, 2023. Crossing actors’ boundaries towards circular ecosystems in the organic food sector: Facing the challenges in an emerging economy context. J. Clean. Prod. 407.
Gomes, L.A. de V., Castillo-Ospina, D.A., Facin, A.L.F., Ferreira, C. dos S., Ometto, A.R., 2023a. Circular ecosystem innovation portfolio management. Technovation 124, 102745.
Gomes, L.A. de V., Faria, A.M. de, Braz, A.C., Mello, A.M. de, Borini, F.M., Ometto, A.R., 2023b. Circular ecosystem management: Orchestrating ecosystem value proposition and configuration. Int. J. Prod. Econ. 256, 108725.
Hakanen, E., Rajala, R., 2018. Material intelligence as a driver for value creation in IoT-enabled business ecosystems. J. Bus. Ind. Mark. 33, 857–867.
Hsieh, Y.C., Lin, K.Y., Lu, C., Rong, K., 2017. Governing a sustainable business ecosystem in Taiwan’s circular economy: The story of spring pool glass. Sustainability 9.
Jacobides, M.G., Cennamo, C., Gawer, A., 2018. Towards a theory of ecosystems. Strateg. Manag. J. 39, 2255–2276.
Kanda, W., Geissdoerfer, M., Hjelm, O., 2021. From circular business models to circular business ecosystems. Bus. Strateg. Environ. 30, 2814–2829.
Konietzko, J., Bocken, N., Hultink, E.J., 2020a. Circular ecosystem innovation: An initial set of principles. J. Clean. Prod. 253, 119942.
Konietzko, J., Bocken, N., Hultink, E.J., 2020b. A tool to analyze, ideate and develop circular innovation ecosystems. Sustain. 12, 14–17.
Langen, P.W. de, Sornn-Friese, H., Hallworth, J., 2020. The role of port development companies in transitioning the port business ecosystem; the case of port of Amsterdam’s circular activities. Sustain. 12, 4397.
Madsen, H.L., 2020. Business model innovation and the global ecosystem for sustainable development. J. Clean. Prod. 247, 119102.
Moore, J.F., 1993. Predators and Prey: A New Ecology of Competition. Harv. Bus. Rev. 71, 75–86.
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Parida, V., Burström, T., Visnjic, I., Wincent, J., 2019. Orchestrating industrial ecosystem in circular economy: A two-stage transformation model for large manufacturing companies. J. Bus. Res. 101, 715–725.
Pidun, U., Reeves, M., Kunst, N., 2020. How Do You Manage a Business Ecosystem? BCG Hendersen Inst. 1–15.
Pietrulla, F., 2022. Circular ecosystems: A review. Clean. Circ. Bioeconomy 3, 100031.
Press, M., Robert, I., Maillefert, M., 2019. The role of linked legitimacy in sustainable business model development. Ind. Mark. Manag. 0–1.
Stewart, R., Niero, M., Murdock, K., Olsen, S.I., 2018. Exploring the Implementation of a Circular Economy Strategy: The Case of a Closed-loop Supply of Aluminum Beverage Cans. Procedia CIRP 69, 810–815.
Tate, W.L., Bals, L., Bals, C., Foerstl, K., 2019. Seeing the forest and not the trees: Learning from nature’s circular economy. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 149, 115–129.
Thakur, P., Wilson, V.H., 2023. Circular innovation ecosystem: a multi-actor, multi-peripheral and multi-platform perspective. Environ. Dev. Sustain.
Thomas, L.D.W., Autio, E., 2020. Innovation Ecosystems in Management: An Organizing Typology, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management.
Trevisan, A.H., Castro, C.G., Gomes, L.A.V., Mascarenhas, J., 2022. Unlocking the circular ecosystem concept: Evolution, current research, and future directions. Sustain. Prod. Consum. 29, 286–298.
Trevisan, A.H., Zacharias, I.S., Castro, C.G., Mascarenhas, J., 2021. Circular economy actions in business ecosystems driven by digital technologies. Procedia CIRP 100, 325–330.
Trevisan, A. H., Castro, C. G., Gomes, L. A. V., & Mascarenhas, J. (2023). Circular ecosystem structure and orchestration: outlining actions to innovate, integrate, and invest. Proceedings of the Design Society.
Whicher, A., Harris, C., Beverley, K., Swiatek, P., 2018. Design for circular economy: Developing an action plan for Scotland. J. Clean. Prod. 172, 3237–3248.
Wurster, S., Heß, P., Nauruschat, M., Jütting, M., 2020. Sustainable circular mobility: User-integrated innovation and specifics of electric vehicle owners. Sustain. 12.
Yang, X., Cao, D., Chen, J., Xiao, Z., Daowd, A., 2020. AI and IoT-based collaborative business ecosystem: a case in Chinese fish farming industry. Int. J. Technol. Manag. 82, 151–171.